Christoph und Markus Getzner

Christoph Getzner born in 1960 and Markus Getzner born in 1965 live and work in Vienna, Bludenz und Le Mont Pèlerin, Switzerland


Born in 1960 in Feldkirch.
From 1980-1984, he attended the master class for wood and stone sculpture in Graz.
Between 1984-1987, he worked in stone restoration in Vienna.
In 1988, he became a member of the Cathedral Workshop at St. Stephen's, Vienna.
The collaboration with Markus Getzner began in 2004.



Born in 1965 in Bludenz.
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna under Professor Arnulf Rainer from 1984-1990.
From 1990-1994, he continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna under Professor Bruno Gironcoli.
His collaboration with Christoph Getzner started in 2004.